
Utilities Auto Pay

The City of Calmar can deduct your utility payment from your account automatically on the 5th of every month if you complete the ACH Debit Agreement. Stop at City Hall for a physical form or download a digital copy available here. Print, fill out, and return all forms to the City Hall.

Flag Disposal

Flags can be dropped off at the Calmar City Clerk’s office for disposal. They will be then be given to Randy Poshusta of the American Legion to be disposed of properly.

Next Council Meeting

Next regular Calmar City Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 6, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. at the Calmar Fire Station.

Credit/Debit Card Payments

We are now able to accept debit/credit card payments. There is a small fee to the user. There is a link above titled PAY NOW. Payments can also be accepted at the clerk’s office. If there are questions, please call Sheila at (563) 562-3154.