
Below are list of organizations in our area. If you have an organization you would like to see listed, a correction or additional information, please contact us.

Calmar Community Club

A group of community minded Calmar business people organized to promote Calmar.

Contact: Mary McEnaney (South Winn Insurance) 563-562-3142

Calmar Lions Club

The Lions is a national service organization. They work toward Calmar betterment through various fundraisers with proceeds going to the Calmar Lion's Park projects. They also work for and donate to other area projects. They Promote eyesight throughout the world.

President: Ron Bullerman (563) 562-3249

4-H Club - Calmar Rockafellers

Local contact: Kelly Satler 641-229-5057

Local contact: Georgia Klimesh 563-419-5917

4-H Club - South County Innovators

Local contact: Sara Schmitt 563-778-2323

Local contact: Denise Barton-Franzen 563-379-7001

Winneshiek County Youth Coordinator: Angie Sperfslage 563-382-2949

Halverson - Giesen Post 266 American Legion

Randy Poshusta Commander (563) 562-3659


Halverson - Giesen Unit 266 American Legion Auxiliary & Junior Auxiliary

National women's group whose purpose is to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States of America; maintain law and order, foster Americanism; support the Military and Veterans, Community, State and Nation; promote peace; and to contribute to the aims and purposes of the American Legion. President Althea Murphy 563-562-3931 or Vice President Alma Meyer 563-562-3389


Beta Sigma Phi Sorority

International cultural, social and service organization for women.

Local Chapter:
Laureate Beta Epsilon (563) 562-3570

Girl Scouts Of America

Local contact: Decorah 563-387-0979

Child Care Resources & Referral of Northeast Iowa

Child Care Resource & Referral of Northeast Iowa (CCR&R) is a community-based organization that lends a helping hand to people who care for and about children.

By providing resources, education and advocacy, CCR&R helps meet your community’s need for affordable and accessible child care.

CONTACT: Sara Smoot, Regional Parent/Provider Services Coordinator
Child Care Resource and Referral of Northeast Iowa
(319) 233-0804 or 1-800-475-0804


Below are list of organizations in our area. If you have an organization you would like to see listed, a correction or additional information, please contact us.

Calmar Senior Citizens

Social group of citizens that meet usually twice weekly for meals and social activities.
Local Contact person:

South Winneshiek Athletic Booster Club


South Winneshiek Fine Arts Boosters
